Jeff Cole, Anderson County Clerk • 100 North Main Street, Room 111 • Clinton, TN 37716 • 865-457-6226
Marriage Services
Apply for a Marriage License online!
Requirements for Marriage in the State of Tennessee are as follows:
- The licenses are good for 30 days anywhere in the state.
- There are no blood tests and no waiting period.
- A valid driver license, picture ID, U.S. certified birth certificate, valid VISA, or
valid passport is needed. - Both parties have to be present, unless one is incarcerated.
- Applicants must be 18 years or older.
Marriages involving an applicant that is under the age of 18:
- No marriage license can be issued to anyone under 17 years old. No exceptions.
- If one applicant is between the ages of 17 and 18, the other applicant cannot be more than four years (48 months) older. No exceptions.
- If an applicant is between the ages of 17 and 18, and the other applicant is not more than four years older, the county clerk may issue the license IF the minor applicant’s parents, guardian, next or kin, or other person(s) or entity having legal custody of the minor applicant personally appear and join in on the application OR submit a sworn and notarized affidavit. A sample affidavit is attached. Consent is not required if the minor applicant has been emancipated. A minor may be emancipated by court order, or by previous marriage (see T.C.A. § 36-3-106, as amended). (Must bring court documents at time of application for license)
- The provisions allowing judges to waive the age restrictions have been repealed. Underage marriages can no longer be authorized by court order.
If a minor child is interested in applying for a marriage license, you will need to contact our office for specifics. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Copies of Marriage Certificates may be obtained at the County Clerk’s office or by mail for $5.00 each. The mailing address is listed below.
Jeff Cole, Anderson County Clerk
100 N. Main Street, Room 111
Clinton, TN 37716-3690
Phone: 865.457.6228

Marriage License Forms
Marriage Premarital Counseling – Use when Bride and Groom have completed premarital counseling
Marriage License Application for Bride – Brides Application for Marriage License
Marriage License Application for Groom – Grooms Application for Marriage License
Affidavit of Parent, Guardian, or Next of Kin Evidencing Consent to Marriage License for Minor Applicant - Affidavit of Parent, Guardian, or Next of Kin Evidencing Consent to Marriage License for Minor Applicant