Jeff Cole, Anderson County Clerk • 100 North Main Street, Room 111 • Clinton, TN 37716 • 865-457-6226
Drivers License & Voter ID
Save time and avoid long lines. Renew your driver license online.
The Anderson County Clerk’s office is now offering Driver License Services to the public.
3310 Andersonville Hwy
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone Number: 865-494-0172
Fax: 865-494-0138
The Oak Ridge Driver’s License Office
County Clerk Office, Emory Valley Road
Phone Number: 865-483-0541
Fax: 865-483-7391
Self-Serve Kiosk
Credit/debit card only
Clinton Courthouse
100 N Main St Room 111
There will be a $4 processing fee in addition to the state’s charges.
The Department of Safety has placed some restrictions on the services the Clerk’s offices can provide; however, these are the services the State of Tennessee will allow the Clerk’s Office to offer to the public:
1. Renewal of Tennessee Drivers’ Licenses
2. Making duplicate Tennessee drivers licenses (Two pieces of identification required: checkbooks or credit cards are not acceptable forms of identification)
3. Registering people to vote as allowed under the motor voter law
The Clerk’s Office is not able to give written or physical drivers tests, give drivers licenses to new drivers, or issue commercial or specialty licenses.
Voter Photo ID
Anderson County Clerk Jeff Cole, has partnered with the Department of Safety and Homeland Security to make more outlets available for registered voters to get photo driver licenses for voting purposes. Under a new state law, starting in 2012 voters will have to show a state or federal issued photo ID to cast a ballot at the polls in Tennessee.
This partnership greatly increases the number of locations where registered voters may get photos added to their driver licenses.
We are glad that we have the opportunity to provide this service to our citizens.
Of the 30 counties where clerks have agreed to provide this service, 21 are in counties without state Driver Service Centers.
Voter ID Checklist
Please Make Sure You Have All of the REQUIRED Documents with You Before Coming to the Office to Obtain a Voter Photo ID.
Starting in 2012, registered voters in Tennessee will have to show government-issued photo identification in order to cast a ballot at the polls.
Acceptable forms of ID include:
Tennessee driver license with a photo (valid or expired);
A driver license issued by another state (valid or expired);
U.S. passport;
Federal employee ID with photo;
State employee ID with photo (including those issued by state universities);
U.S. military ID; or
Gun permit card with a photo.
Student ID cards from state universities are NOT acceptable.
The new law requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote applies only to those voting at polling places. It does not apply to those casting absentee ballots under state law, including those age 65 or older who wish to vote absentee or those voting at licensed nursing homes.
For Citizens Without Government-Issued Photo IDs:
If you are a registered voter and do not have a government-issued photo ID, the Department of Safety and Homeland Security will provide you with a photo ID at no charge located at 475 Oak Ridge Turnpike (located by Tractor Supply Store). Citizens may obtain these IDs at 48 of the Driver Service Centers across the state. (The only center where IDs are not available is the Driver License Reinstatement Center on Murfreesboro Road in Davidson County.)
Under the new voter ID law, in order to get a photo ID for voting purposes, voters must show the following documentation to a Driver Service Center examiner:
Proof of citizenship (such as a birth certificate); and
Two proofs of Tennessee residency (such as a copy of a utility bill, vehicle registration/title, or bank statement).
It is very important to bring these documents to the Driver Service Center. Under the law, the Department of Safety and Homeland Security cannot issue a photo ID without each of these required items. (If you do not have a birth certificate, ask to speak to a Driver Service Center manager who will work with you to identify possible other documentation to prove citizenship).
For a photo ID, each applicant must also sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury stating that he or she does not have a valid government-issued photo ID for voting purposes. To expedite this transaction, voters may print the affidavit here and sign it before visiting the Driver Service Center. Copies of this affidavit are also available at county election commissions across the state.
For Citizens with Non-Photo Driver Licenses
Any citizen who currently holds a non-photo Tennessee driver license may elect to simply get a photo driver license rather than a separate photo ID.
A citizen with a non-photo driver license must sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury stating that he or she does not have a valid government-issued photo ID for voting purposes. To expedite this transaction, voters may print the affidavit here and sign it before visiting the Driver Service Center. Copies of this affidavit are also available at county election commissions across the state. There will be no fee for this service.
Notice: The following applies to Drivers Service Centers and does not apply to County Clerk Offices:
To help reduce the wait time for voters who need government-issued photo IDs, these citizens will be placed in an “express service” category when entering a Driver Service Center. Please tell the employee greeting customers that you are at the center for a government-issued photo ID for voting purposes.